Tadaforce 60mg

Tadaforce 60mg

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  • ab 60 zu je 5,86 € und Sie sparen 5%
  • ab 100 zu je 5,59 € und Sie sparen 9%
Tadaforce 60mg is available for purchase in increments of 10
6,14 €


Product Name: Tadaforce 60mg

Name of active ingredient: Tadalafil

Manufacturer: Zenit Pharma Industries

Dosage: 60

This product requires shipping by courier and is available only for EU customers.

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Product Description

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  • Tadaforce 60mg is among the most effective and most popular products for treating erectile problems. This position on the pharmaceutical market is due to the active substance Tadalafil citrate, which is in the amount of 60mg per tablet. It contains the same composition as the famous product Cialis. That is why we can talk about Tadaforce as its generic version. Tadalafil is a potent supportive agent for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and belongs among the group of PDE5 inhibitors. This substance expands the blood vessels in the man’s body, which increases blood flow to the genitals. Subsequently, the expected quality erection occurs, approximately thirty minutes to an hour after using the drug. Pay attention to the maximum daily dose of the active substance, which is one tablet per day. There is a threat of overdose or increased likelihood of side effects. Take a tablet approximately half an hour before the planned sexual intercourse. Since it is not an aphrodisiac, sufficient sexual stimulation is required to achieve effects.