Zithromax 250 mg D

Zithromax 250 mg D

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  • ab 60 zu je 2,98 € und Sie sparen 9%
  • ab 120 zu je 2,71 € und Sie sparen 17%
3,25 €


Product Name: Zithromax 250 mg

Name of active ingredient: Azithromycin dihydrate

Dosage: 250 mg

Phone number necessary in address

Shipped from: EU

Product Description

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  • Azithromycin is indicated for the treatment of the following infections when known or likely to be due to one or more susceptible microorganisms:
    - bronchitis
    - community-acquired pneumonia
    - sinusitis
    - pharyngitis/tonsillitis (see section 4.4 regarding streptococcal infections)
    - otitis media
    - skin and soft tissue infections
    - uncomplicated genital infections due to Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
    Considerations should be given to official guidance regarding the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.